Return & Refund Policy

Damaged Items

If you have received a damaged product, we apologise. We are more than willing to help you out. Please click a picture of the product and WhatsApp us on(91+7007118099)



  • Returns are only available if the item is defective. While issuing in the size you first make sure that which size you want
    Please get in touch if you have questions or concerns about your specific item.

    We will start the process of Exchange, we have to take one way shipping cost from customer ( 120 Rupees )

    Once you have paid the amount, we will arrange a return pickup from your location for the good and once we received the good, we will immediately dispatch the proper size to you.

    It takes 5-8 days for Exchange to be completely done.

    Discounted items / Gifted items will not be exchange in any cost (If any other queries dm us instagram)


  • help?

    Contact us at {} for questions